
De The Projet French Elder Scrolls
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Le maitre de Rihad indique sur votre carte l'emplacement des mines naines
de Fang Lair, en Hammerfell...&

119 caractères, dont 6 inutilisés


La Guilde des Mages de Winterhold a inscrit sur votre carte l'emplacement
des couloirs tortueux de Labyrinthian, dans la province de Skyrim...&

153 caractères, dont 4 inutilisés


Le souverain d'Eldenroot a inscrit l'emplacement des forêts elfiques
d'Elden Grove sur votre carte de la province de Valenwood...&


Selon votre carte continentale, les Halls oubliés du Colosse se trouvent
en Elsweyr ... &

0529 - A traduire ![modifier]

Marked on your continental map is the crucible of magic, known as the
Crystal Tower, in the province of Summurset Isle...&

0530 - A traduire ![modifier]

Marked on your continental map are the halls of the dead, the
Crypt of Hearts, in High Rock...&


Selon votre carte continentale, la forêt sombre de Murkwood se trouve
dans le marais noir...&

0532 - A traduire ![modifier]

Your continental map shows the entrance to the fire mountain, Dagoth-Ur,
to be in Morrowind...&

0535 - A traduire ![modifier]

The ruler of Rihad has marked Stonekeep on your map of the province
of Hammerfell...&

0536 - A traduire ![modifier]

The Mages Guild of Winterhold has marked the Fortress of Ice on your map
of Skyrim...&

0537 - A traduire ![modifier]

The Ruler of Eldenroot has sent you to get a gem called the Heart of
Selene, and has marked your map of Valenwood with the location of 
Selene's Web...&

0538 - A traduire ![modifier]

According to your map marked by the Mages of Corinth, the Temple of 
Agamanus lies in Elsweyr...&

0539 - A traduire ![modifier]

The Mages of Lillandril have marked on your Summurset Isle map the 
location of the Temple of the Mad God...&

0540 - A traduire ![modifier]

Camlorn's Brotherhood of Seth have marked on your High Rock map 
the Mines of Khuras...&

0541 - A traduire ![modifier]

According to the markings the Conclave of Baal made on your map, 
the Vaults of Gemin lie in Black Marsh...&

0542 - A traduire ![modifier]

The ruler of Ebonheart marked the entrance to the Black Gate on your map 
of Morrowind...&